Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today I made a balloon crab I called him Whitey because I used white balloons to make him.

Beach Music

Sometimes when I'm listening to certain songs I feel like I'm at the beach,and it feels good,like heaven.

Good Hamburgers

For lunch today my Dad and I went to the grocery store and got some hamburgers. I don't know where those cows were from, Magical Topia or something but that beef was good.

Throwing Balls

Today I threw some baseballs at a tree and I think I'm starting to get good soon maybe good enough for the baseball season.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Talking Fish!!!

There was once an amazing fish. He swam by a school that's where the fish learned miraculously to talk. One day the wise fish was caught, the only thing to do was speak, he said "let me go you fish murderer"the fisherman let him go and he lived happily ever after.

Anteater Day

For all those Anteaters out there it has now been pronounced the day before thanksgiving is Anteater Day!!!My dad and I started drawing Anteaters and Anteater Day was born!!!

Sleep Over

Last night my cousin slept over at my house.We didn't get into any trouble. It was just nice to have his company. Being an only child can be lonely sometimes :>(

Fly Ball

Today I learned to catch fly balls. When you catch fly balls always keep your eyes on the ball and the glove will follow! It's like using the Force. Really it's magical just keep your eye on the ball!!!